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Scheduling, Reality and Disappointment

The following assumes you submitted your performer application before the deadline.

"Why am I not on the schedule?" The short answer is: no reason but random chance. We have more musicians who want to perform than stage time available. The acts without a time slot automatically get put on our stand-by list. So all is not lost, keep reading.

Through much trial and error over the years, folk festival has evolved to the current schedule which allows about 128-132 acts to perform for 15 minutes each. When we receive 150-160 or more performer applications, the unhappy truth is evident - some folks won't get to perform on the main stage. This has happened every year in recent memory.

Is it you or is it your music? No, its not. Please try not to take it personally. We know. You've practiced hard, gathered up your courage to apply, organized your band, prepared your set, rehearsed and rehearsed and now - you're not in the schedule - you're on stand-by!? It is very disappointing. But you are not alone. Given our current constraints, this happens every festival to some number of acts. The folk festival organizers would like nothing better than to get everyone on stage who wants to perform, but we just can't do that.

There may still be a chance. From experience we know that there will be some cancellations before the performances begin, although it is hard to predict how many. When this happens we go to the stand-by list to replace the canceled act. If your act is available for the time that has opened up, you may yet get a phone call. The more times you said you were available on your application the better your chances. If your availability to perform does change, more or less, do let us know, even if you decide you'd like to be removed from the stand-by list.

One consolation we can offer is, if you do get "bumped" this time, we record this fact. Then next year we try very hard to make sure no one gets bumped two years in a row. Sort of like you go to the head of the line. Do note that some of our favorite performers have voluntarily elected not to perform every year so that other musicians will have a chance.

We do regret this disappointment, but hope that you will enjoy the music and dances and jams and workshops and comaraderie and all out fun, regardless. Remember there is a lot more to folk fest than just being on the main stage.

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